If you are the landlord of commercial retail in Jersey City or northern New Jersey and are having problems leasing your property or wishing that you had a better tenant, it?s time we speak. There are times when spaces go empty for months or even years because landlords are not properly advised on market conditions. Putting a “For Rent” sign up at your property is simply not enough and will not attract the most suitable or qualified tenants.
As a landlord you must understand tenancy mix, what kind of tenant improvements/allowances you should provide and/or are necessary for tenants to be attracted to the property. In some cases none are necessary, but this must be discussed and understood. It is helpful to know if you are willing to accept the risks of doing business with a start-up company or if a more established company with a proven track record makes more sense for your property. Completing a fruitful transaction is more likely when both parties have a clear understanding of their needs and expectations.
Deje que el equipo de DV Real Estate Group lo ayude con sus necesidades inmobiliarias.